Transpersonal Regression Therapy

Transpersonal Regression Therapy

Regression is reliving former experiences that seemed forgotten or repressed. Complaints like fears, depression, relationship problems, and sexual problems have caused. Even illnesses have causes apart from bacteria or viruses. The same is true for many bodily complaints. Those causes we often forget. The forgotten life experiences often contained emotional wounds that never healed completely or triggered stubborn, half-conscious beliefs in our minds. Such beliefs only do change when we understand how they started and why we held on to them.

What is past-life therapy/reincarnation therapy?

Past life regression is regression therapy that accepts when clients relive experiences apparently from before the present life and work with such experiences. Belief in reincarnation is unnecessary. The therapy is based on experiences, not on a philosophy or belief system.

What is transpersonal regression therapy?

Transpersonal Regression Therapy means we go beyond the boundaries of the present personality. Besides past lives, we believe there exist other elements, not coming from our personality; like psychological experiences, telepathic experiences, and mystical experiences. Sessions can lead to non–corporal experiences, experiences in the spirit world (life between lives). We also can do sessions for others, like a child or someone who is not able to follow this therapy.

We always combine regression sessions with an energetic working method. You may wear the energy of others. It can be an emotion, certain behavior, or a conviction of a family member. This can lead to psychological or mental complaints. By following Transpersonal Regression Therapy these complaints can be released. It’s also possible you lost something of your energy. This therapy can recall this.

How does past-life therapists work?

Past-life therapists work in four fields of experience:

  • The present life, including the forgotten first years of childhood.
  • The time between conception and birth. The birth experience is often the most consequential, but some pre-birth experiences can also have lifelong consequences, like a tentative abortion.
  • Previous lifetimes. Usually, traumatic death is the most penetrating experience. Then much remains undigested, especially when fear and pain, intense emotions or anesthesia narrow our mind.
  • The period between death and the next birth. When we remain strongly tied to our body, our home, our job, or our nearest, we can after death linger near our body or the place where we lived. In regressing to infancy, birth, and the time in the womb, children often respond, consider, and decide in a way that betrays an adult background, and adult awareness. When processing a relevant childhood trauma gives only partial results, past-life therapy will go farther back. Past-life therapy is an expanded and specialized form of regression therapy.

For what kind of problems do people seek past-life therapy?

  • Anxiety and phobias
  • Relationship problems, and problems of connecting with people in general: feeling socially inept and insecure, inability to express and share thoughts and feelings, extreme shyness.; lack of assertiveness, over-adaptation
  • Depression: deep grief or despair; loneliness, abandonment, isolation.
  • Psychosomatic complaints not responding to medical care.
  • Addictions
  • Obesity and eating disorders
  • Being stuck or blocked: seeing no way out, feeling imprisoned, impotent rage.
  • Loss of direction: Where to go? What to do? What is the meaning of life? Discovering the life plan.
  • Inability to change: though understanding what the problem is and what should be done, nothing changes.
  • Exploration: discovering and freeing hidden talents, personal development, and increasing mental health.

Regression is very suited for digesting accidents, robberies, rape, violence, or loss of loved ones. Regression therapy is after all specialized in processing traumas: ‘de-shocking’ and discharging stress, loosening and digesting stuck emotions, and restoring lost memories. Of course, it is not about

For whom regression therapy is not suitable?

Belief or disbelief in reincarnation does not influence its success. The only condition is that apparent experiences from other times are accepted as meaningful subjective material, without continuously wondering about their objective truth..

We found that people with a ‘patient mentality’, even after successful regressions, hardly improve.

People addicted to their suffering are rather cases for ‘anti-therapy’, jolting them out of the standard patient-therapist relationship.

Also, people who refuse to be patients are unfit. They refuse to relax and want to interpret, comment, and rationalize anything remotely resembling a significant experience or emotion. Who cannot live, cannot relive?

Clients who are insufficiently grounded may seek the causes of their problems in past lives long ago to avoid confronting their issues here and now. Absorption in their inner world may further weaken their contact with the outside world.

Only a few past-life therapists work with drug addicts. Their images are usually chaotic and tedious. It seems as if their tapes have come loose and are entangled.

Patients may be neurotic, tremble with fear, hear voices, have multiple personalities, and may be depressive, suicidal, or murderous. When they want to work, when they assume responsibility, when they have a minimum of mental health, we can work with them. We cannot work with dependent people. Assuming responsibility is a condition for any therapy that is insight-oriented.

And people that seek spiritual healing? When they want other people and outside influences to heal them, regression maybe not for them. When they want help to explore their own inner mind and find healing there, regression takes the straight road inside.

What are the results of this therapy

  • Mental results: mental health, clear-mindedness, self-knowledge, understanding people, liberation from mental prisons and tunnel views or preconceived ideas;
  • Emotional results: inner calm, self-acceptance and self-reliance, restoring empathy and positive emotions (like being able to enjoy), expressing emotions (like anger and sadness);
  • Bodily results: the disappearance of tensions and complaints, psychosomatic problems like low energy, low resistance, hypersensitivity, and in general complaints without medical explanation.

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