Meditations for Peace and Prosperity

Discover how meditation can empower your life and help you reach greater heights and achieve greater goals.
Meditation is an ancient wellness practice that trains the mind to be more aware, concentrate and redirect your thoughts in a focussed manner with compassion. 
It is an act of inner reflection and contemplation to gain a healthier perspective without being judgemental

Meditation covers a wide range of practices and techniques and for many it’s a form of prayer.

The aim of meditation is mostly to achieve greater voluntary control over physical, emotional and mental processes for well-being, calm, peace, clarity, heightened alertness and a blissful state of being or even to achieve & experience greater levels of intuition, activation of psychic faculties and achieving illumination.

What benefit you get from it depends on the nature of the meditation!
Here our aim is to study various types of meditations and the benefits they can bring into our lives and you are welcome to our group meditations to raise your vibrations toward higher states of awareness and expanded levels of consciousness..
Studies show that Meditation creates a relaxation response. Tension leaves the muscles; there is decrease in anxious thoughts and decline in the activity of stress hormones. Meditation affects brain activity specifically in the limbic system, which controls metabolism, blood pressure, respiration and heart rate

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